My thoughts on this, free will, perfectly simulated universe can predict the future, reconciling free will with causal determinism (need to finish reading those articles) Arrival movie, time travel implications, hypothesis from arrival about languages and thinking (may link to 3 body problem)

why do we do the things we do, think the way we think. We’re just neural nets, things we do affect model weights. If you could perfectly recreate your life inputs, you would make the same choice always’

Can people have hope in the the framework of causal determinism? Carey and Matt think not, that normal people won’t like knowing that nothing can change. But what if they go with the flow? Is Buddhism congruent with this?

What would happen is casual determinism was proved/if we had an Ultimate Intelligence like in Hyperion? If we had a such a thing, would that answer How To Measure Utility?

Isn’t causal determinism similar in concept to believing in God’s plan? Both are predicated on the fact that events are set in motion by forces out of our control, and there is nothing we can really do to change them, just embrace them.

After reading Slaughterhouse 5 and reading up on the book’s analysis, I think my interpretation of Causal Determinism and its consequences is fatalistic.